Our church will be walking through 40 days of prayer this fall, and I'm working on a graphic. I'm trying to keep it simple but bold to convey the idea that prayer can be simple but bold and powerful. I like what I've got below a lot, but I'm looking for a third color (for the date at the bottom) to work well with the light blue and black, and I'm not crazy about the darker blue.
Any ideas?
PS. Mad props to anyone who can correctly name the font I've used...
How about R142, G88, B51 (same as C33, M65, Y86, K25).
ummm....speak English?
how about orange for the date line? it would pop against both the blue and black
I vote with Kimberley...orange. No idea on the font, but I really like it. It looks like the huge stencils they use for street markings where they spray the paint in.
I tried the orange, and it works as far as color combos go, but it's not the right feel for this graphic...a little to bright and cheerful. Good suggestion, though.
HOw about red?
a deep burgundy not quite purple - more somber feeling - by the way, care to share what the 40 days of prayer will encompass? we just entered a 40-day fast for a pastor of ours stricken with cancer - something similar?
Sorry Nate. It's a light brown.
I don't have the font you used and I didn't do any touch ups at all, but basically it looks like this. . .
i like terrys (blue and brown is pop right now)
You might even try using white text with the shadow more directly behind your text. Also, for my mad props, the font is Linkin Park :-)
well done Travis! You win the prize!
I was playing around with brown, but it seems I always use blues and browns for stuff, so I was trying to stay away from it. I'll post a few updates later today and you can tell me what you think.
I like sea green.
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