Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Step Up

I've talked about this a bit of the greatest joys as a worship leader is watching the infectious nature of joyful worship take over a room. Leading worship doesn't just happen on the stage...any one person in a crowd of people (the congregation) can change the entire atmosphere and attitude of the crowd by stepping up and leading worship.

We have several people in our church who, every Sunday, I can count on to be the first to stand in praise, raise their hands, jump, shout, whatever...and watching others around them follow their lead and step up with them is such an awesome thing.

Check out this video (there may be a bit of language in the song lyrics)...wouldn't it be cool if your church had this kind of attitude and infectious nature when coming together to worship (maybe minus the bikinis and alcohol)?!

How infectious is the worship at your church Sunday to Sunday?



Andy Lawrenson said...

wish I could have been there!

Rick Lawrenson said...

I thought I saw you.

Mrs.Haggie810 said...

That has to be one of the funniest video's ever! But I totally someone who is on the worship team in my own church, it would be awesome if our worship were that infectious! Thanks for sharing!