> This morning launched a new sermon series called "Get It! Got It! Good!"...all about vision and purpose. Today we talked about "Getting Off The Shelf". Check out the video below...
> A worship leader friend and his church are hosting a worship conference in November called the Worship Summit. Looks like a high quality & cheap event (not common)...I don't think I'll be able to make it because I should be in Durham full-time by then, but I'm trying to talk some of my worship people into going.
> Buffalo Bills player, Kevin Everett is doing "miraculously" better according to his doctors. Thanks for praying.
> I appears that I'm getting some OK traffic on my blog, but not much of the interaction I was hoping for...maybe I should host a free iPhone contest or something... :)
> I'm putting together a new ministry team that should really help us do lots of stuff more gooder...I'll let you know more soon!
> We added a sixth song, Chris Tomlin's "Let God Arise" to the second service for two reasons: 1) We ended the first service a few minutes early, and 2) The second verse fit too well with a part of the sermon for me to ignore. It worked well, and we always love the opportunity to play this song.
> I still can't figure out what kind of pattern, if any, there is to our attendance numbers. Last week, as expected was way down after the BIG Labor Day weekend that usually marks the end of the busy summer season for us, and then this week was almost as full in both services as the middle of July...not that we're complaining.
I would love to hear more about this video in the context of your worship service. Thanks!
Many of our small groups tend to take a summer break, and we use September to help relaunch and form new groups. Our entire service this week focused on encouraging those members and attenders who have never experienced our small groups to "come of the shelf" and into community.
We showed a video of some guys from one of our groups talking about why their group is important to them...I'll try to get that up on youtube later this week so you can check it out.
I hope that explained things.
You can read more about this past Sunday at my Pastor's blog
Good stuff, Nate.
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