Just a friendly heads up. I bought Todd Agnew's Christmas album "Do You See What I See?" last year around this time, hoping to find some good stuff to use at church. HUGE mistake...biggest music purchasing mistake of my life, in fact. I didn't even make it through one full listen. I remember almost throwing up in my mouth.
Agnew's voice makes me want to sit on a holly bush, and the arrangements and music choices were horrible. I literally deleted the entire thing from my computer before I ever listened to it all.
I'm usually not this negative on my blog, but I couldn't live with myself if I sat by and allowed the people I love to make the same mistake I made. I'm sure Todd's a great guy, and we even have used a few of his worship songs in church, but you wouldn't know it from this album.
I am with you on the fact that there is not a lot of usable material on here for church or anything else. I do have a hard time with the negative on Todd because with his other stuff I find the lyrics are really blunt and touches on a lot of relevant issues we as Christians and as a church are dealing with. I am not disagreeing with you though as I was not impressed with this album, but I would recommend to check out his other stuff. My two bits...
so are you saying don't buy the cd? what are you trying to say here, I'm not sure you were clear enough on your thoughts.
Do you normally like Todd Agnew's stuff? Do you have his other CDs? I ask b/c I'm just curious to find out if you just dislike his voice and the way he "does music" in general, or if you just think that, for whatever reason, he decided to "change things up" on this CD, and ended up with something that stunk.
like I said in the post, we use some of his stuff at our church, and I'm sure he's just as good a guy as the next. I am NOT a fan of his voice (and I do not have any of his CDs), but I can look past that if the song/arrangment is good, but like I said, this CD just sucks.
I can't listen to any of his music due to his voice. It's like he's trying way to hard to sound cool. Pretty much just sounds like he's constipated.
Thanks for the info. I'm not gonna complain about your negative post, because sometimes wrong is just plain wrong. Todd's voice doesn't lend itself to alot of traditional material. There's too much 're-inventing' going on in Christmas music, to the point that people can't sing along, and isn't that the point of why you hoped to use some material at church? Good call. I hope all the TA fans go out and buy it, to support him, but it's not participation material at all.
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